Anusha Rajapaksha and Black n Red

Casino Marketing Topics -Casino Marketing & Measurement 

A proposed marketing activity and a rigorous measurement plan should be inextricably linked. Without such a plan, management must rely on conjecture and faith-based evaluation methods, including, but not limited to, tarot cards, crystal balls, and palm reading. In all seriousness, the single greatest problem with casino marketing activities is the absence of objective measurement plans. However, feedback from marketing efforts is often difficult to produce in the gaming industry, as many of the transactions go unrecorded. As a result, sophisticated statistical methods are sometimes needed to estimate the effectiveness of marketing activities. Casino marketers should try the activities that they believe will be effective. It is important to remain creative and innovative with respect to the marketing idea-generation processes. However, this creativity and innovation needs to make its way to the measurement phase of the process as well. Too often the excitement of an idea overwhelms the measurement phase of the process, moving management straight into the implementation phase. This often results in the creation of negative cash flows.