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Casino Marketing Topics -  The Customer Experience 

No casino marketing programs or activities will appear successful in the absence of positive customer experiences. Given the increased competition for players and the rising acquisition costs in mature markets, a positive customer experience has never been more important. That is, no executive wants to incur these substantial acquisition costs, only to have the player suffer through a bad experience, and vow never to return. It is difficult enough for players to overcome the disappointment of losing trips. Therefore, the quality of the customer experience and casino marketing are inextricably linked. Of course, the customer experience can be dissected into more specific components, such as customer service, service delivery, and the physical environment, to name a few. A well-managed customer experience leads to a profitable bottom line. Some Las Vegas properties have acknowledged this notion by hiring executives to manage the customer experience. Specifically, these executives are responsible for identifying both successes and failures, striving to constantly improve the guest experience.