Himashi Ekanayake With Fruits

Casino Marketing Topics  - From Innovation to Failure 

There have been many great marketing innovations in the gaming industry, such as the invention of the virtual reel, the bill validator, and voucher- or ticket-based currency systems. Casino marketers have also created many tremendously successful promotions and events. In fact, the list of these activities is too long mention. However the following bullet points describe a troubling pattern, with respect to the life of an initially successful marketing activity. • A successful activity is created • Because of its success, it is replicated too often • The excessive frequency leads to diminished results • Once it produces less than acceptable results, marketers attempt to make the results appear acceptable. This usually involves creative accounting, characterized by delaying or hiding expenses • Finally, the creative accounting fails, and the activity dies Ideally, it would behoove marketers to recognize over-promotion and reduce the activity frequency. A close second would be to recognize the death of an activity sooner, rather than later. That is, early recognition of a failing marketing